Jul 24Liked by Anna Raskind

It's hard to convey precisely how meaningful it is to read your reflections on our conversation, Anna—but it's *extremely* meaningful! I'm so glad we've had time to spend connecting with each other these last few months, and am seriously blown away by the lessons you took from our chats. I can't wait to read what's next from you!

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Maddie, the pleasure is all mine :) I'm so grateful to absorb and share your wisdom with others! <3

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I love this reflection, Anna! Maddie is one of the wisest people I know. You're pretty wise too :)

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As are YOU! Can't wait to read your book, Chris!!!

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This is a pretty wise comment thread all around 🥰

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Aug 1Liked by Anna Raskind

Haha yes - wisdom all around (insert the Oprah ‘you get a car’ meme) but also, a whole lotta love and respect in this thread! What a treat to read 🥰

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Jul 25Liked by Anna Raskind

Wonderful reflections Anna! Think we oughta consciously do that more often for important conversations/ discussions, keeping in mind of course, far easier to do with ones that are documented/recorded (to avoid mis-associating our memories with other things or misquoting certain points), but certainly no less powerful. My favourite part of this article though is this line - “To me, that is beautiful, scary - and freeing”. We do often approach uncertainty with trepidation and fear, which stops a lot of us from taking actions (risks) cause we prefer to take ones that are likely to succeed in our mind….but it can also be so liberating to know that sure, the consequence of an action may or may not end with the result you want, but if there’s a chance of success even slim, why not?. Or as the great Jim Carrey exclaimed in Dumb & Dumber “So you’re tellin’ me there’s a chance!” ;)

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Hey Jimmy! So glad we've been connecting via Substack. And thanks so much for the kind words. Haha that is an amazing line: "so you're tellin' me there's a chance!"

Your point about consciously reflecting is really interesting — that's exactly my aim! I feel like I hear so many amazing nuggets of wisdom from people in my day to day life -- I appreciate them in the moment, and then don't always store them away for later. But there is so much wisdom in them, and it's so great to look back on them!

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Aug 1Liked by Anna Raskind

You too Anna! Very glad to have been connecting with you via Substack too! As an additional note to your reflections, and your aim to consciously reflect on past conversations - Earlier this year, i started for the first time in my life two private folders on my phone to collect the following: 1) to keep copy of any sayings, quotes, or specific lines/ sections in articles that i come across on social media (and in life) that helps with self-reflection and 2) 2nd folder to keep images i come across/ photos I’ve taken myself that similarly, nourish the soul. Don’t always go to that well, but i do love the idea of knowing i can go back to them to consciously reflect, which is why i think you reflections and aim to do so is one that resonates strongly with me. Almost laughed out loud why i never thought of that haha

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I'm loving your reflections on Anna's reflections, Jimmy. So much wisdom in here!

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Aug 1Liked by Anna Raskind

Thanks so much Maddie, appreciate your kind words! Hehe well i can only say the universe has sent plenty of lessons down my way, and reading how so many of you have wrote what you’ve experienced down, shared with others is definitely quite inspiring, and i can only hope to do the same (in my own way) moving forward. I definitely took a lot from your interview with Anna re: multiple hardships at once, so back at ya with the wisdom 😉

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This is so wonderful to hear, Jimmy—thank you so much. Sending strength your way as you tackle your own "lessons from the universe"! Please keep us all in the loop if/when you start sharing your own wisdom with others; I, for one, would love to read that.

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You’re most welcome! Thanks for sending strength my way too. Am definitely close to full recovery, but I’ll take all the positive energy I can get 😉 Also, I truly appreciate you saying that re:sharing my; wisdom. Haha I’m not entirely sure at the moment writing newsletter style is my way of sharing wisdom. I love storytelling, so maybe it’s in a different form/ format, of which I’d like to explore. That said, I’ve been deeply inspired by y’all on Substack - not just the sharing, but the support you give each other, this community feelin - its energy worth spreading

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Energy worth spreading, for sure! But you're right, writing a newsletter is definitely not the right outlet for everyone. So: cheers to whatever your form of sharing/self-expression/exploration/processing ends up looking like!

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Haha thanks Maddie :) hope to find that form soon, and share that with y’all!

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